Logo Left - should be set by hand or just had a Logo.png in images folder
Logo Right - should be set by hand or just had a Logo2.png in images folder

RoboErgoSum Project

There is an intricate relationship between self-awareness and the ability to perform cognitive-level reasoning.

LAAS researchers

Principal investigators

Rachid Alami is Senior Scientist at CNRS. He is currently the head of the Robotics and Artificial Intelligence Department at LAAS. He received an engineer diploma in computer science in 1978 from ENSEEIHT, a Ph.D in Robotics in 1983 from the University Paul Sabatier and an Habilitation HDR in 1996. He contributed and took important responsibilities in several national, European and international research and/or collaborative projects (EUREKA: FAMOS, AMR and I-ARES projects; ESPRIT: MARTHA, PROMotion, ECLA; IST FP6: COMETS, COGNIRON, URUS; IST FP7: CHRIS; France: ARA, VAP-RISP for planetary rovers, PROMIP, ANR projects). His main research contributions fall in the fields of Robot Architectures, Task and motion planning, multi-robot cooperation, and human-robot interaction.

Aurélie Clodic is a Research Engineer at LAAS-CNRS. She received a PhD in robotics in 2007 for which she elaborated and implemented ingredients for human-robot joint activity in several contexts (robot guide in a museum, robotic assistant in the framework of the COGNIRON project). Her research interest includes human-robot collaborative task achievement and robotics architecture design (focused on decision-making and supervision) dedicated to HRI.

Doctoral students

Sandra Devin

RoboErgoSum project is funded by an ANR grant under reference ANR-12-CORD-0030